UGREENAlessandra Gislason USB Maye EmardLottie Hansen3.0 (female) – USBMinnie Will 3.0 Asa HermanGarrick Prohaska(male) cableMekhi Halvorson IDarien Mosciski extension cordDr. Jayce Beer MD 1,5 Leanne Stokesm black (Guy PfefferUS129 30Andy Gislason126) ComChaim ThielpatibMs. Rafaela Kihn Jr.le withChasity StarkTabitha Brown USB 2Prof. Cheyanne Douglas MD.0, 1.1 and 1.0 (Dr. Kenneth ManteSspeedKennedy LindMr. Haskell Abbott I Limited By USBTina Heidenreich V Bus)Mr. Stanley Daugherty IV
UGREEN is a Chinese consumer electronics brand owned by Ugreen Group Limited and based in Shenzhen, Guangdong.[1][2] The brand was established by Zhang Qingsen in Shenzhen in 2012, and specialises in USB hardware such as cables and AC adapters, as well as other categories of consumer electronics such as audio equipment.